Brain Training Articles & News, Page 85

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Why Auditory Processing Matters for Reading

Learning to read is a complex task. And even for adults, reading comprehension continues to be essential in virtually every career field. So why is it that so many people of all ages struggle with reading? The most significant reason for reading problems is not a poor memory or “slowness,” instead, it’s weak auditory processing ...

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Resources for Celebrating Brain Awareness Week 

In 2022, Brain Awareness Week will take place March 14-20. The global campaign is designed to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science.  Each year, partners host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives. Participating institutions and organizations include ...

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How Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Impact the Brain

How a TBI impacts Cognitive Skills  Our brain uses a set of core skills to think, learn, read, reason, remember, and pay attention. These cognitive skills include auditory and visual processing, memory, logic & reasoning, attention, and processing speed. When damaged neurons lose their ability to send information to one another because of a traumatic brain ...

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5 Ways Slow Processing Speed Impacts Learning

Processing speed is a critical cognitive skill that determines how quickly and efficiently your brain is able to take in and manipulate information. Slow processing speed has a direct impact on every single other tool your brain uses to think, learn, and remember. Other skills like attention, logic & reasoning, memory, auditory processing, and visual ...

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Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery: How Brain Training Helps

Many victims of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) experience changes in cognitive performance, leaving victims and their families struggling with what to do next. While LearningRx doesn’t diagnose or treat TBI, our programs have aided the cognitive performance of clients with many diagnoses, including traumatic brain injury recovery. What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? TBIs happen in ...

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How Brain Training Helps Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury: Brain Injury Awareness Month

Although LearningRx doesn’t diagnose or treat traumatic brain injury, its programs are designed to aid the cognitive performance of each client. LearningRx has worked with children, teens, seniors, soldiers, and other adults who have experienced a range of brain injuries—from concussions to very traumatic brain injuries.  Learn how brain training helps survivors of traumatic brain injury ...

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Local Student Wins 3rd in National Contest

Congratulations to our very own Evan—3rd place winner in LearningRx’s 2022 President’s Day contest! What was the Contest? Students are tasked with reciting all 46 US presidents in order from memory—while doing another task (definitely NOT an easy assignment!!) How Do Students Learn the Presidents? Every LearningRx student learns the Presidents over the course of ...

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Brainy Books to Read for Read Across America Day 

We wanted to provide you with brainy books to read for Read Across America Day. Every year, Read Across America Day is held on Dr. Seuss’s birthday, March 2. Launched in 1998 by the National Education Association, the day (as well as Read Across America Month, which is celebrated throughout the entire month of March) ...

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Winners of the 2022 LearningRx Presidents’ Day Memorization Contest 

We are excited to announce the winners of the LearningRx Presidents’ Day Memorization Contest! For this contest, we asked LearningRx students, past students, or anyone who knows all 46 presidents to recite all presidents from memory while simultaneously doing something on video.   In the past years, we have had people submit videos reciting the presidents ...

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What does research say about working memory and math skills?

The research suggests that basic mathematical skills rely heavily on domain-general cognitive processes, such as working memory (WM) and processing speed (Formosa et al., 2018; Fuchs et al., 2012; Hornung et al., 2014). The different domains associated with WM have been linked with parts related to math cognition and with early math overall. WM deficits ...

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