Brain Training Articles & News, Page 86

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Why You Should Try Brain Training First

We understand why there’s some hesitancy to try personal brain training if other interventions for learning, reading, or memory struggles haven’t worked. After all, the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Factor in the amount of time and money required to try tutoring, brain games, or ...

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5 Signs Your Cognitive Skills May Be to Blame

Did you know that cognitive skills cause most learning struggles? These are the brain skills you use to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention, and they work together to take incoming information and move it to the bank of knowledge. Need an example? Think about a team meeting at work. When your boss ...

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How Brain Training Helps with Confidence

Confidence sets people apart and can improve their resilience. Some studies even suggest that confidence is the central factor in how much a person achieves during their lifetime. For naturally confident people, that’s great news. But what about people with low self-esteem? Thankfully, in the same way that we can train our bodies to be ...

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Stop Second-Guessing Yourself and Grow Your Self-esteem with Brain Training

For most of us, getting older comes with some significant benefits: we tend to get more mature as we learn from our mistakes; we begin to grasp what’s truly important in life (family, friends, learning, etc.); and we better understand and develop our interests, values, and boundaries. But aging also brings potential problems if we ...

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How to Be a Stronger Reader

Most people who read for leisure are doing so for the enjoyment, and the brain-boosting effects of reading are latent benefits of doing something they love. So, what are the benefits of leisure reading? • lowered blood pressure and heart rate • decreased symptoms of depression • reduced stress • increased brain connectivity • slowed ...

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Why Computer-Learning Programs Don’t Always Work

If you’re the parent of a struggling student, you may have tried several methods to help your child or teen turn things around. For some, accommodations at school—such as giving students with learning challenges more time to take tests or private rooms to stay focused—have helped, but they may have left the student feeling isolated ...

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Boost Your Self-Esteem with Brain Training

February is International Boost Your Self-Esteem Month, and for parents looking for ways to build their student’s confidence, we have a suggestion: personal brain training. What is personal brain training, and how can it boost self-esteem? To better understand personal brain training, it helps to get an overview of cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are the ...

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Yahoo! News runs piece on LearningRx’s Dr. Amy Moore

Yahoo! picked up a press release from LearningRx highlighting Dr. Amy Moore’s TEDx event in which she spoke about personal brain training. Read the full article HERE.

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The Houston Chronicle features story about LearningRx Sugar Land

The Houston Chronicle ran up a story about LearningRx Sugar Land’s puzzle contest being named after the founder of the National Charity League. Read the full article HERE.

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Macaroni Kid runs article on LearningRx Shreveport’s brain training solutions

Macaroni Kid picked up an article from LearningRx Shreveport about the long-term cognitive impacts of Covid and how LearningRx’s personal brain training may provide some solutions. Read the full story HERE.

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