Brain Training Articles & News, Page 94

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

How Has the Pandemic Affected Children’s Social Development?

There are no two ways about it: no one is exempt from at least some of the effects of COVID-19. For children and adolescents, one of the biggest impacts has been in their school and social environments. In March of 2020, kids were forced to switch to distance learning overnight. Little did most kids (or ...

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From Food to Fitness and Fun: 7 Lifestyle Changes To Boost Brain Health This Year

It’s the time of year when many of us consider implementing healthier diet and exercise regimens to improve our physical health. But did you know that many of those changes can also improve brain health? All of the elements of mental and physical health and fitness — including exercise, sleep, stress management, and socialization — ...

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How to Build Cognitive Skills with a Brain Training Program at LearningRx

Brain training at LearningRx helps individuals grow the cognitive skills responsible for grasping, retaining, and processing information. We help you build these skills through a customized brain training program. From decades of experience, we know that every brain is different, so your program should be tailor-made to your brain. While we focus much of our ...

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Cognitive Psychologist Dr. Amy Moore Reveals Lessons Learned from Training 101,000 brains during TEDx West Monroe Speaking Event

During an independently organized TEDx event in West Monroe, Louisiana, Cognitive Psychologist Dr. Amy Lawson Moore took the stage to reveal results of her research on brain training. Her talk began with a candid story about her own son struggling to read and spell words, including his name, at age nine. After brain training, her ...

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Homework Battles No More!

Josiah is a 16-year-old who was completely frustrated with high school. Homework took forever and his parents had to be constantly nagging him to complete it. To read the full blog, click HERE.

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No More Homework Frustration!

Josiah is a 16-year-old who was completely frustrated with high school. Homework took forever and his parents had to be constantly nagging him to complete it. To read the full article, click HERE.

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Homework Frustration Overcome!

Josiah is a 16-year-old who was completely frustrated with high school. Homework took forever and his parents had to be constantly nagging him to complete it. We assessed Josiah and discovered he had deficiencies in working memory and processing speed. The working memory made Josiah forgetful, and he had a hard time organizing his thoughts. ...

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7 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in the Second Half of the School Year

As we get into the second half of the school year, maybe you’re trying to think through everything you can do to make it easier than the first half. We get that school stress, homework power struggles, and a lack of organization wear down every member of the family. And we also know that helping ...

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New Year, New You. Is Brain Training Right for You?

Every new year we have the opportunity to start something new. We often consider goals and habits that we believe will make us better people. Sometimes, we choose to change our image somehow or commit to learning a new skill or avoid certain things that bring us down. Have you considered the impact of strengthening your cognitive ...

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Improving Reading Skills as a Senior

What if you never got over your reading struggles and thought it was something you just had to live with for the rest of your life? At 72-years-old Wayne thought this was his lot in life until he saw a TV segment about LearningRx in Minnesota. The news station covered a story on former NLF player, ...

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