
7 Tips for Building Self-Esteem in Kids and Teens

Self-esteem is at the foundation of a child’s healthy development, and it’s crucial to foster it from an early age. However, it’s not always easy to do so, especially as kids and teens face many challenges and pressures in today’s world. But there are many things parents, caregivers, and educators can do to begin building self-esteem in kids and teens. Here are a few tips:

#1: Be a good role model. 

Children look up to the adults in their lives, and they learn how to think and feel about themselves by observing how others treat them. So, be a good role model by treating yourself with respect and kindness, and by treating others the same way.

#2: Encourage self-expression. 

Children and teens should be encouraged to express themselves in a variety of ways, whether it’s through art, writing, music, or sports. This will give them a sense of accomplishment, pride, and ownership over some area of their life, which will help boost their self-esteem.

#3: Help them set and achieve goals. 

Setting and achieving goals is an important part of building self-esteem. Help kids and teens set realistic goals for themselves, and then encourage and support them as they work to achieve those goals. Here are some tips for setting good goals and resolutions with your kids. 

#4: Praise them for their effort. 

Children and teens need to know that they are valued and appreciated. Praise them for their efforts, even if they don’t achieve their goals, and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Check out this video recap of a study done on the difference in  kids’ mindsets when they are praised for effort vs. outcomes or intelligence.

#5: Teach them to be resilient. 

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Teach kids and teens how to be resilient by helping them learn how to cope with failure, and by encouraging them to keep trying even when things get tough. Building this mental strength in kids will go a long way towards helping them see the big picture of their growth instead of getting stuck when something doesn’t go their way.

#6: Encourage them to be independent. 

Encourage your children and teens to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their actions. This will help them develop self-reliance and self-confidence, which are important components of self-esteem.

This means that sometimes, even when you know something is not going to work, you let your kids try it anyway. They are more likely to learn from their mistakes if (in a safe environment) we let those mistakes play out. As they get older, they’ll begin to recognize what works and what doesn’t and how they can choose to respond either way.

#7: Build brain skills.

Cognitive skills impact more than just your ability to read and do math. Your brain impacts every area of your life, including your self-esteem and inner confidence. Often kids who struggle in school have low self-esteem, and vice versa. These struggles go hand-in-hand often because the same skill weaknesses that make it harder for you to stay focused and engaged in learning can make it harder to bounce back and be resilient. 

Strengthening cognitive skills is a helpful tool to build your child’s confidence along with their ability to think, learn, and remember. In surveys of past clients, virtually everyone has reported an improvement in things like: 

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Improved relationships with family members
  • And better performance at school

Building self-esteem in kids and teens is an ongoing process that requires time, patience, and consistent effort. Contact us here today if you want to start building your child’s confidence by going back to their brain!

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