
Mom’s Intuition Leads Her To Dyslexia Diagnosis, Brain Training Solution

How many times have you heard a mom say, ‘I just have this feeling in my gut’ about her child? Experts say a mother’s intuition is a thing – especially when it comes to the child’s well-being. For one mom living in San Antonio, Texas, this “hunch” was so powerful, it led her to make a life-changing decision for her child which will likely impact his ability to read, write, think and learn for years to come.

It’s a story of a dyslexia diagnosis and the discovery of a program to help it.

History of dyslexia

Chelsea Epp says her son comes from a long line of relatives with dyslexia and other learning differences.  “As my son entered preschool I was prepared to be on the lookout for red flags,” recalled Epp.  

Sure enough, she believed she saw some when her son Kenneth was just three years old. 

At his preschool, Kenneth would avoid writing. 

“He would look at his work and that of his peers and say ‘my pictures and my work look different, mommy’”.  

In first grade, an interventionist offered the family some help.  But Chelsea’s gut still told her that her son needed more.

Then, one day while playing outside, a commercial came on over the outdoor speaker.  

It was a message about brain training and how it can help struggling learners. 

Kenneth’s ears perked up. 

It was as if the commercial resonated with him.

It did.

A few moments later Kenneth referred to the commercial. He asked his mom, Can we do that?

An introduction to brain training

The moment Kenneth signaled to his mom that he wanted to seek help with learning, Chelsea took action. So, she began researching the science behind one-on-one brain training that gets to the root of learning differences like ADHD and dyslexia. She read numerous studies and paged through published clinical trials. The research stated that a brain can change.

Interested, Chelsea scheduled an appointment with LearningRx, a brain training learning center.

“The day we visited LearningRx I wrote in my journal, crying, ‘I’m getting my son the support he needs’”.  

Chelsea was blown away.

First, Kenneth’s initial cognitive skills assessment confirmed the Epp family’s suspicions. Their son tested weak in the areas associated with reading, writing, comprehension, and ADHD. 

Chelsea Epp also felt an immediate sense of comfort in the staff at this Stone Oak, Texas-based learning center.  She felt that they not only understood Kenneth but genuinely cared about his overall well-being.

Then there was the large open window at the center that allowed Chelsea to watch her son as he tried out a brain training session.  

“I love being able to watch Kenneth as he trains and it allows him to see that I am here and an active part of his learning journey,” Chelsea said. 

Chelsea Epp watches her son’s brain training session from a viewing window.

Why use a personal trainer?

A LearningRx brain training session consists of a trainer who leads the student or adult through activities, games, and drills that challenge a person’s cognitive skills. The harder these skills work, the stronger they can become! By providing direct feedback and encouragement, brain trainers keep students focused and motivated.

Chelsea and Kenneth were hooked. 

Kenneth began to look forward to brain training days. No only did he enjoy his sessions, his hard work began to pay off.

Learning successes

Within one month of his brain training program, Kenneth and his mom began to notice changes. Not only was Kenneth getting better with each cognitive exercise during his one-on-one sessions, he felt smarter outside of the learning center too. Kenneth’s abilities began to translate into his everyday life at school and home.

“For the longest time Kenneth avoided games- especially reading games. Now he dives into them, even Zingo (reading game),” stated mom. 

As a result, Kenneth’s confidence was skyrocketing too. At just seven years old he could feel the difference and mentioned it to his mom on more than one occasion.

“We discuss his brain training sessions and ways in which he feels he is doing better,” said Chelsea.

Chelsea noticed another improvement, This one, having to do with Kenneth’s focus and attention.  Chelsea said Kenneth could stay focused long enough to complete a counting activity which he had not been able to do prior to starting brain training.  

Perhaps most impressive, however, is the improvement Kenneth is experiencing with challenges related to dyslexia. Not even a quarter of the way through his brain training program, Kenneth has jumped reading levels.  He went from reading level one books to devouring chapter books,” reported Chelsea.

“I am so proud of Kenneth and grateful for every moment of progression,” Chelsea added.

The trainer-student relationship

Another aspect of one-on-one brain training Chelsea wasn’t quite expecting has been the growing relationship between Kenneth and his trainer.  Chelsea said Kenneth and his trainer have truly connected in their first few months of training. She credited this trainer-student relationship with the early success Kenneth’s had. It keeps him engaged for the entire hour they train, which is key, according to mom. Chelsea raved,  “All the things we love about Kenneth as his parents – his trainer notices them too”.

Kenneth and his brain trainer, Brenna

Kenneth is scheduled to complete his brain training program after roughly six months. He trains three to four times a week for about an hour and a half.  

To speak with the team that’s been working with Kenneth please call 210-967-6278.  

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx San Antonio Northeast!