Learning Struggles: One Family’s Story
Then one friend at church suggested LeariningRx. “We called to schedule a consultation the very next day. That’s when we discovered the true root cause of Maddie’s learning struggles, her cognitive skills’. Maddie was simply not processing information fast enough and wasn’t accurately remembering information short or long-term. These weaknesses had a drastic effect on her ability to thnk, learn, and remember. She used to spend 3-4 hours per night on homework, failed tests and had difficulty remembering what she learned that day in school. Maddie and her parents were feeling hopeless, but that was all about to change.
After 6 intense months of strengthening her cognitive skills at LearningRx brain training, Maddie’s learning struggles were a thing of the past. “LearningRx performed a miracle on my daughter”. After brain training, she made all A’s and 1 B. She spends 1 hour or less on homework a night, and now has the skills to go to a 4 year college.” states Randy. In fact, Maddie went from being in Special Education to a Pre AP student. Her parents are now feeling that they have hope! They didn’t think she’d ever go to college and now they are trying to pick which college she wants to go to. I’ve always known she was smart, but now she knows and feels it. She was even inducted into the National Junior Honor Society”, says Merrily. “I felt like I would never change, to all of the sudden getting all of these awards, I became an amazing, smart person”, Maddie says. Her parents say they’ll be forever grateful LearingRx helped their daughter learn and, in turn, boosted her confidence inside and outside of the classroom. Now she is a leader and not a follower!