LearningRx helped our son realize he was capable!
Fortunately, upon searching on the web for a solution, Lynn found LearningRx. After scheduling a gold-standard, nationally recognized Cognitive Skills Assessment, she began to feel hopeful. They were well on their way to a solution for their son. Michael and Lynn would soon learn the culprits for Will’s learning struggles were weaknesses in short-term memory, working memory, and logic and reasoning. Their son was not merely being lazy pr complaining for nothing. There was a valid reason for his struggle. It was out of control! The family soon decided to commit their summer to building a better brain with LearningRx Brain Training, in hopes that next year and every year thereafter, Will would learn with ease and success.
To their amazement, that is exactly what ensued. “As he progressed through the LearningRx program, Will gradually realized that he was capable … even more that he was pretty good! His confidence continues to increase as he masters more and more concepts, “exclaims Lynn. With Will’s increased attention span, independence, memory, confidence, and determination, he is sure to tackle every obstacle that comes his way. It took hard work over the summer to change his brain, and it was well worth it. “LearningRx helped our son realize our son he was capable!”