
10 Years Later — Changing Rosa’s Life!

Improve reading and math - (651)686-1066 - LearningRx Eagan

Rosa came to LearningRx roughly 10 years ago between her 3rd and 4th grade years.   Prior to LearningRx, her parents had tried many different strategies and interventions, but they were not seeing improvement.  She could not read and math was incredibly difficult.  

Rosa could not retain information which impacted her ability to recognize words in reading.  Her auditory processing weakness made decoding and blending sounds difficult.  Rosa also had slower processing speed which made grasping math concepts slow and everything more difficult.  

Because of these difficulties, homework time was very frustrating and painful.  Rosa also struggled with confidence seeing other kids not struggling like she was.

After Rosa completed her LearningRx training, her parents saw dramatic improvements in reading and significant jumps in Rosa’s math skills. Rosa was also feeling good about herself, and her confidence blossomed.  She now loved math and reading was no longer a chore.

Fast forward to 10 years later.  Rosa just graduated high school where she has been on the honor roll consistently.  She will be attending a university in the fall and studying sports management, which is a passion of Rosa’s!  This from a child who 10 years ago could barely read or complete math and had very low confidence.  

Rosa’s story is common for clients we work with.  Because our cognitive skills training addresses the root cause of learning struggles, we are able to remove the obstacles that hold students back.  We help families looking for reading or Brain Training, ADHD help, improvements in executive function, test taking, homework completion and overall confidence.

This time of year, many families are considering tutoring. However, if your child has consistent academic struggles, tutoring is not the answer as it is treating the symptom and simply providing more academic content.  If you never address the root cause, a child will continue to struggle as expectations increase and you will stay in the cycle of constant academic struggle and catch-up.

LearningRx training identifies and addresses the root cause to unlock potential and, in cases like Rosa, completely change the trajectory of a child’s life.

Summer is a great time to start!  Call the LearningRx Savage location today to schedule an initial assessment. Mention this blog and you’ll receive $100 off the standard price of $199.

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Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Savage!