
Strong Cognitive Skills Make Kids More Confident

Helping our kids become more confident can be an uphill battle. The world we live in has increasing expectations and speed that is making kids more anxious and unsure of themselves. Instead of just having a positive outlook, how can we foster deep confidence in kids of all ages? 

Building cognitive skills is an important place to start.

What Are Cognitive Skills?

Cognitive skills are the mental processes used to acquire, process, and retain information. They include things like attention, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and spatial awareness. These skills are essential for learning and for success in school and in life.

How Cognitive Skills Impact Confidence

When kids have strong cognitive skills, they are better able to process and understand information, which leads to a deeper understanding of the world around them. This deeper understanding can lead to greater confidence as they are able to keep up and interact effectively in all situations.

For example, a child with strong attention skills is better able to focus and pay attention in class. This child will probably have better understanding and retention of the material. This in turn leads to better performance on tests and assignments, which leads to a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

Similarly, a child with strong memory skills is better able to remember important information. This then leads to better performance on tests and assignments and a greater sense of control and mastery.

The LearningRx Difference That Helps Kids Become More Confident

Beyond just building skills like attention, memory, and processing speed, LearningRx takes a personal approach. The individual investment in each client allows us to foster confidence in ways you just can’t get through other avenues. 

Our one-on-one relationship between trainers and clients allows us to zero in on patterns of negative self-talk that may be derailing confidence. The way we think and talk about ourselves has a direct impact on our performance on tasks and ability to show up confidently in life. 

Our coach-like environment builds resilience and helps eliminate a fear of failure. Resilience means being able to bounce back when things are hard, grow in stress tolerance, and keep going even when things get tough. Instead of fearing failure, we train our clients to look forward to these opportunities of growth.

Brain Training is Life Changing

Helping kids be more confident starts one step at a time. Improving the way their brain is able to keep up with the world and process information can be a life-changing opportunity to begin to grow their inner confidence and resilience. 

In addition to improvements in skills like attention and memory, there’s a reason that thousands of families also report things like improved confidence, better relationships with family members, and better performance in school after brain training.*

Improving the way your brain interacts with the world has far-reaching implications for all areas of life! Click here to learn more. 

*These are results from surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same outcomes.

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Staunton - Harrisonburg!