
3 Important Ways to Protect Your Memory

In short: the best way to keep your memory strong is to use it! Staying both physically and cognitively active during your adult years can set you up to stay sharp and to protect your memory long-term. Warding off dementia, cognitive decline, and memory loss is a growing field of study, but here are 3 basic tenets to protecting your memory and brain health as an adult:

Learn New Things

Keep branching out and experiencing new places, hobbies, and tasks! Learning new things, reading books, and building new memories can help your brain stay more active and healthy. 

Some ideas include:

  • Learning a new style of cooking from a different culture
  • Developing a new habit like journaling, exercising, or playing an instrument
  • Learning some words in a new language
  • Going to a class for dance, quilting, sewing, knitting, book club, music, or some other way to connect with people and learn something new

Check out this list of more simple habits that can improve your brain function >>

Stay Physically Active

Physical activity is a primary marker for longevity both in your brain and body. Regular exercise doesn’t mean sweating it out in the gym on a daily basis, though! This can be as simple as a walk, strength training, yoga, tai chi, swimming, or other more gentle forms of exercise.

Benefits of exercise for your brain include:

  • Improved focus and motivation
  • Better memory (both short- and long-term)
  • Emotional balance (including lower rates of anxiety or depression)
  • Stronger problem-solving skills
  • And more!

What’s important is that you do something. Pick a routine that is doable for you in this stage of life!

Protect Your Memory with Brain Training

People used to think that your brain stopped growing and changing in adolescence. Now we know that neuroplasticity continues for life. You never lose your ability to form new neural connections (or strengthen the ones that are already there).

Brain training takes a unique approach to help you protect your memory. Our targeted cognitive skill exercises build new neural pathways, strengthen existing connections, and help you feel more confident.*

LearningRx has provided memory help training to thousands of adult clients, including those with age-related memory loss. In one research study, adults over 50 with memory problems improved short-term and long-term memory after completing a brain training program. In the same study*, over 90% of clients reported real-life improvements as a result of training. These are things like:

  • Better memory in day-to-day tasks
  • Needing fewer lists and reminders to get things done
  • Clearer thinking
  • Better sense of time and direction
  • Improved mood and mental outlook
  • And more!

If you are looking for a way to protect your memory or are helping a loved one through this season of life, consider our research-backed memory and cognitive skill training program to help keep the brain sharp and confident for longer! Contact us today to learn more.

*Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. Other clients may or may not achieve the same results.

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