
Back to School Can Mean Back to Homework Headaches!

We’re about a month into the school year and many parents are struggling with homework frustration. It’s not easy to be busy all day and then spend the evening in homework battles.

Many parents choose to look for help in tutoring, but this is not a long-term solution as it does not identify the root cause as to why homework can be difficult and, by extension, activities like reading or math. At LearningRx, our goal is to identify the root cause as to why a child struggles with homework.

If a child has any combination of cognitive skills which are not where they need to be, it is going to result in homework frustration. For example, if a child struggles with working memory, they will struggle with following and remembering directions. If they have poor memory and/or auditory processing, they will likely struggle with reading fluency and reading comprehension.

Weaknesses in logic and reasoning can result in math difficulties as well as struggles to plan and prioritize their homework. Slower processing speed can make homework take forever as students struggle to sustain attention and work efficiently. If you’ve ever told your child “We can be done by now if you would just….”, you understand this weakness.

It’s common to blame the issues on a lack of motivation. However, if any of the above difficulties are true for your child, this is likely the reason they struggle with motivation. It’s all they can do to get through the school day, and then they come and there is more! No wonder kids procrastinate, battle, and complain when homework time comes around.

At LearningRx, we identify and address the root cause of homework frustration and see many results like the testimonial below from Lucy’s parents:

“We are so thrilled with Lucy’s progress! Lucy hated school and homework was an insane battle every night. This year is a complete 180. Lucy doesn’t complain about school anymore and she comes home and gets her homework completed on her own. Such a game changer for us!”

If your child is experiencing homework frustration, there is hope. Call LearningRx today to get your child on the path to greater success and your home on the path of more peace!

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